You may have seen the FC Barcelona captain and Argentinian native Lionel Messi sipping on a spoon-like metal straw during practice, and even passing his drink around to fellow players (before COVID-19, of course).
That is mate (pronounced mah-teh), a common traditional drink in large parts of Latin America that is said to be a super-brew, thanks to its high content of caffeine.
A lesser-known, yet potentially more energising drink, is guayusa (pronounced hua-yu-sa) tea. Similar to mate, a guayusa infusion is made of dried leaves from a holly shrub. While mate comes from ilex paraguariensis found in the southern parts of South America, the guayusa plant, ilex guayusa, grows in the northern parts of the continent. It is cultivated mostly by the native kichwa people who live in the Ecuadorian region of the Amazon.
Both plants have naturally occurring caffeine although some argue that the guayusa plant has a leg up over its mate cousin.
Another remarkable component of the guayusa plant is the amino acid L-theanine.
This is the compound that is responsible for regulating the release of caffeine, which gives guayusa tea drinkers an even dosage over time, avoiding the spikes and crashes that typically come from coffee.
For athletes, that means a sustained supply of energy that also helps them to stay focused and alert.
Taking guayusa tea can also make you happy. Various amino acids, vitamins and antioxidants combine to boost moods, protect the heart, keep inflammation down and even increase metabolism.
What the energy drink lacks is tannin. This is just more good news because tannin creates that bitter taste in coffee and yellows teeth. Since there is no tannin in guayusa, its tea has a gentle, sweet taste.
To get the competitive edge from guayusa tea, you won't have to wait for the next available flight to Quito. Begawan Athlete Enterprise, the team that organises the country's gruelling ultramarathons has already gone the distance for you.

As the main distributor for Waykana Amazon Guayusa Tea in ASEAN, the company launched the Waykana range last weekend at the capital's Taman Makhota Jubli Emas. In pure Begawan Athlete style, the launch was accompanied by a 5km fun run.
The Waykana Amazon Guayusa Tea is now available at major supermarkets nationwide.
You can also follow Begawan Athletes on their Instagram @Waykana.Brunei for more news, announcements and adventures.